Corse Primer

Corse Primer

Product Description:Polymer reinforced resin based plaster primer. Increase surface adherence, working time and processability of cement and especially plaster based plots.
Scope of application:To increase the adherence of cementitious and gypsum plaster mortars to gross concrete surfaces indoors; As a primer for ceiling plumbers, As plaster lining on the ceiling, It is used as gypsum plaster and cement based plaster primer on OSB.
Features / Benefits:The material can be used on gross concrete surfaces, walls and ceilings. It increases the surface adherence, working time and processability of cement and especially gypsum based plots.
Consumption:0,150-0,250 kg/m²
Package:15Kg. / 20Kg PE bucket
Storage: Can be kept for minimum 12 months in the original unopaned pails in dry and at temperature of 5-25°C once a can has been opened, use as soon as possible.