Epoxy Covering Product

T-POX 3700

Two component, solvent free, epoxy top coat coating. Public Works Pos. No: 04.379/H03
Surface Preparation: The surfaces to be applied must be free from oil, dust, and dirty. Free parts on the surface, cement grout on concrete surfaces and parts that prevent adhesion must be cleaned.
Mixing Preparation: A and B component should be mixed with a low speed mixer for at least 3-4 minutes until a homogenous mixture is obtained by paying attention to mixture ratios. It is ready for application after mixing.

Areas of Application: It is used as an intercoat for self leveling and orange patterned epoxy coatings.
Application Conditions:
Surface should have sufficient strength. The concrete has a compression strength of at least 25 N/mm², nd a tensile strength of at least 1,5-2 N/mm².
The surface must be clean and dry. Humidity must not exceed 5%, If the humidity is above this ratio, T-POX 2200 Epoxy Primer for humid surfaces used on humid surfaces should be preferred.
Avoid application in very humid environments and below 10°C.
Mixing ratios should be considered.
Products that can be used under this product:
T-POX 2000Solvent Free Epoxy Primer
T-POX 2200 Epoxy Primer for %5<T-POX 2200<%10 Humid Surfaces
Products that can be used upper this product:
T-POX3250 TX Solvent-free tix epoxy top coat
T-POX 3100 Solvent-free epoxy self leviling
Packaging:A/B: 17.0/3.0 = 20 kg set

Technical Specifications

  • Component Number: 2
  • Outlook: Bright
  • Density: 1,50-1,60 gr/cm³
  • Solid matter by weight (%): 96
  • Coverage: 0,400-0,700 kg /m²
  • Application Methods: Flor squeegee, trowell
  • Mixture Life: 30-40 munites / 25 ˚C
  • Shelf Life: 1 year
  • Waiting time between coats: 12 hours 25°C
  • Drying time: 12 hours 25°C
  • Mechanical Strength: 7 days
  • Shore D hardnes: 75 (7 days 25°C)
  • Equipment cleaning: Epoxy Thinner